Hello Dirk,
I've trawled google scholar and there's very little information on wet
or dry etching of vanadium oxide. I looked at one of your papers and
it's not clear if you patterned the VOx using lift-off or etching (be it
dry or wet). In the literature the best VOx films are deposited by
sputtering at > 300oC which obviously precludes lift-off (photoresist
will burn).
I found a couple of papers that say a chloric acid solution was used to
etch vanadium oxide but details are sketchy.
I'm currently awaiting the arrival of my Vanadium sputter target and I
can beging my tests in earnest.
[email protected] wrote:
> Hello James,
> Both should work fine - it depends on the size of your features of course, and
how comfortable/easy it is for you to achieve an inverted resist profile that
accommodates the lift-off (preventing rough edges etc). To give you another
option: I just remember you can also easily etch VOx dry, in a plasma etcher,
with e.g. a mixture of oxygen and CF4 as process gases.
> Dirk De Bruyker
> Palo Alto Research Center
Dr. James Paul Grant
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Microsystems Technology Group
76 Oakfield Avenue Room 3
University of Glasgow
G12 8LS
Telephone: +44(0)141 330 3374