> Does any one like to tell me a typical composition for EDP,
> operating temperature and the relation between the etch rate and mol
> concentration of each reagent.
See the papers
H. Seidel, L. Csepregi, A. Heuberger, and H. Baumgartel,
"Anisotropic etching of crystalline silicon in alkaline solutions,
I. Orientation dependence and behavior of passivation layers, "
J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 137, no. 11, pp. 3612-3626, Nov. 1990.
H. Seidel, L. Csepregi, A. Heuberger, and H. Baumgartel,
"Anisotropic etching of crystalline silicon in alkaline solutions,
II. Influence of dopants, "
J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 137, no. 11, pp. 3626-3632, Nov. 1990.
Kirt R. Williams, Ph.D.
Research Staff Scientist
Lucas NovaSensor
1055 Mission Ct., Fremont, CA 94539-8203
[email protected]
(510) 661-6147 FAX (510) 770-0645