Hi, MEMS colleague,
I am working on a project- high precision micromachined accelerometer using
electron tunneling transducer. I try to make a comparison table about different
micromachined accelerometers. If you work (or ever)on micromachined
accelerometers using any transducers (capacitive, piezoelectric, piezoresist,..)
(or know where I could find these information), could you please email
me the following information (or point out where I could have the information):
1. Researcher or company (references)
2. Noise floor (?mg/root(Hz) or ?micro-g/root(Hz)) (How about low frequency?)
3. Bandwidth (?Hz)
4. Sensitivity (V/g)
5. Dynamic Range (?dB and ?g max)
6. Working principle (capacitive, tunneling, piezo....)
7. Fabrication (Bulk-micromachined, surface-micro...)
8. Proofmass (? milli-gram or ? micro-gram)
9. Device area (area including proofmass and cantilever beams or
10. Operating Voltage (high voltage supply :V)
11. Open-Loop or closed-loop with feedback control circuit needed?
12. One axis, two axes, or three axes for each sensor unit?
The more details the better. Your help is highly appreciated.
Best regards,