Hi Vaibhav,
take a beam-splitter (50/50), and you will see the camera picture and
the detector. Just the first alignment is a little bit difficult.
Best regards
Oliver Horn
vaibhav mathur schrieb:
> hi all,
> I am trying to monitor the laser intensity at the output end of my MEMS
device. I have a problem as I have to be able to see the output on a ccd camera,
and measure the intensity at the same time. Currently, I first align using a ccd
camera, remove it from the beam path, introduce a photodetector in the beam
path, measure intensity, repeat the steps again and again for each measurement.
This is an extremely tedious and time consuming process. Any suggestions on kind
of optics I can use two get both measurements at the same time
(CCD+photodetecotr) will be appreciated. I monitor the intensity at high
frequencies of order 300Khz, thus have to use a silicon photodetector, CCD
camera is only for visual alignment
> regards
> Vaibhav Mathur
Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Horn
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik (E-7)
Eißendorfer Str. 42
21073 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0)40 42878 2321
Fax: +49 (0)40 42878 2396
Email: [email protected]