I have this, but the CCD+laser is installed outside the chamber looking down
through a viewport. I suppose one could place the CCD inside the chamber if
it is really necessary (not sure why), but it would greatly complicate
things. You would also need the optics and many electrical feedthroughs.
On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Hakemi, Ghazal [SAS] <
[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear MEMS colleagues.
> I am curious to find a way to monitor the etch rate of my sample inside an
> RIE machine.
> Now I have heard of CCDs (used for SEM), but I am not sure whether the
> plasma inside the chamber and the gases would affect the CCD.
> Does anybody know what would happen if a CCD is placed in plasma?
> Regards.
> Ghazal Hakemi
> PhD student
> Cranfield University
> MK43 0AL U.K.