As Zard told, you can divide lines into nodes with the help of "LESIZE" command.
Better way is to first design the model in 2D (area) and then with the help of
"VDRAG" command you can make the model into 3D. By this way, you have the option
to mesh x,y separately (lateral mesh) while designing the 2D model and then
seperate mesh size for vertical direction (Z direction).
The commands which may be useful for you.
Good luck
--- MyMEMS Talk schrieb am Di, 14.7.2009:
Von: MyMEMS Talk
Betreff: Re: [mems-talk] About Ansys elements, nodes and MEMS meshing
An: "General MEMS discussion"
Datum: Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009, 18:19
One way to do this to force how ANSYS divides up the mesh -- instead of
meshing by a certain size for all axis, you could tell it to mesh say by 10
divisions (nodes) along x, 5 divisions along y, and 4 divisions along z --
or something like that. I don't remember exactly -- haven't done this for
a while but there is a command that break up a line into nodes. You
partitioned the lines then mesh.