There are tons of Si surfaces u can measure...was it a polished silicon
surface...anodized or what...and there are a number of ways u can use the find
the average surface roughness..
AFM is one such example....
With your profilometer, this should not be a problem at is just
specification problem....and for you to know very well what machine you are
--- On Fri, 7/31/09, Miyakawa, Natsuki wrote:
From: Miyakawa, Natsuki
Subject: [mems-talk] Surface roughness measurement of Si
To: "General MEMS discussion"
Date: Friday, July 31, 2009, 1:29 AM
Dear all,
I do surface roughness measurement of Si using profilometer, and I have
observed that the measurement results are quite dependent on the
measurement parameters such as the measurement length and force,
wheather arithmetic avarage or rms, etc. My question is, are there any
standard parameters for the surface roughness measurement of Si? For
example, you find in the literature that the surface roughness of Si
must be less than 1nm for Si-Si-fusion bonding, but there is no
description about with which parameters they measured it, so I don't
know wheather the surface roughness I measured is comparable with those
in the literature.
I'll be very thankful for any suggestions!