The time it takes for the liftoff to occur depends on if you're using
an ultrasonic bath or not.
With ultrasonics it should be a matter of a few minutes (and contrary
to what some people say, ultrasonic treatment does not necessarily
damage fine features), whereas without ultrasonics it seems to be
common to leave the sample overnight for liftoff, however in my
experience, lifoff without sonication is very unreliable.
On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Shah, Forum N wrote:
> Hello All,
> I am sputtering a 250 Angstrom adhesion layer of Ti and 1500 angstrom
adhesion layer of Platinum.
> Can someone tell me how long does it take for the lift - off to occur if the
PR thickness is around 7 microns.
> And also if someone can tell me if Chrome or titanium is a better adhesion
layer for Platinum.
> Thanks in Advance,
> Forum