I have used AZ4562 (8 ?m) to etch via holes trough 200 ?m of Si without
any problem. More recently, I have used SPR220 (5 ?m-thick) to etch 150
?m of Si.
James Paul Grant a e'crit :
> Here are my thoughts,
> For such an etch I would use one of the AZ series of photoresists. I
> use AZ4562 and get selectivities in the range from 50-80:1 and an etch
> rate of 4 um/min. Obviously the etch rate depends on your process
> parameters as well as etch area etc.. If your institute already has a
> DRIE Bosch tool then they should have a process for fast, deep silicon
> etching.
> AZ5462 data sheets can be obtained from your local resist supplier and
> are extremely detailed.
> What is your minimum feature size? Is the etch profile important? How
> accurately do you need to etch - i.e. is 101 um acceptable? These are
> all questions you must consider.
> If you need further assistance let me know.
> Good luck,
> James
Dr. Alexandre BOE
Post-doctoral researcher
Universite' Catholique de Louvain
FSA/ELEC/EMIC - Laboratoire d'hyperfre'quences
Ba^timent Maxwell b.207
Place du Levant, 3
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
[email protected]
Tel. +32 10 478 106
Fax +32 10 478 705