I am not sure of the temperature limitations of PDMS. If it is the same
as most photosensitive material and below 90 C is safe for the
sensitizer. The following may work. It is a tried and true recipe for
our image reversal process. Set oven at 90 C pull a vacuum of close to
50 Torr to avoid violent out gassing of any solvent. Then fill with
pre-heated nitrogen at 90 C. This enters all the available pores of the
material that have been vacated by the first vacuum pull. The PDMS now
has 90 C Nitrogen trapped in the pores. Then a vacuum to 50 Torr again.
At 50 Torr water boils at approx. 30 degrees C and you get dehydration.
We repeat this process 2 more times for complete dehydration. Then
pull a vacuum to 1 Torr to ensure complete dehydration. If you want to
run some free tests let me know. Bill Moffat
From: [email protected] on behalf of A. AhmadShukri
Sent: Wed 11/25/2009 8:54 AM
To: General MEMS discussion
Subject: [mems-talk] Moisture in PDMS
Dear all,
I am using water droplets on PDMS surface and am wondering water could be
trapped between my features on the PDMS. If so, is there a way to dehumidify
PDMS without altering its properties?