I don't think P3HT blending with carbon nanoparticles is a good idea.
P3HT is sensitive to oxygen and moisture. Conductivity wouldn't last
long. Blending will be worse than carbon black itself.
I suggest you check Prof. Qibing Pei's paper (UCLA) about applying
CNT as transparent electrodes for artificial muscle.
Good luck.
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 8:40 AM, Brad Cantos wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Thank you for all your suggestions, which fall into two categories: ITO and
> We have used ITO, and although it is easy to apply, it does not have the
optical characteristics that we need because the index of refraction is too
high. Carbon nanotubes have better optical properties. Does anybody know of a
service that can apply CNT?
> A third possibility that I am aware of is P3HT embedded with carbon
> Are there other possibilities out there that we are missing?
> Thanks again,
> Brad Cantos