Can you quantify what value you mean by "hi-storage: capacitance, voltage...?
Marc Reinig Phone: (831) 459-4362
Laboratory for Adaptive Optics Fax: (831) 459-2298
UCO/Lick Email: [email protected]
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
> -----Original Message-----
> Hi guys,
> I am wondering which micromechanical processes exist to obtain high-
> storage multistack capacitors. I imagine you may realize it or by
> employing multiple lithographic steps for each metal plate /
> dielectrics, or, by patterning, transferring and bonding of a lot of
> single plates into multi-stacks.
> I could not find any methods, reports, papers around describing the
> actual methods of small footprint capacitors. Any help and
> references are highly welcome.
> Bye
> Daniel