Many announcements are now available by World Wide Web in addition to ftp. For
World Wide Web (WWW) users, the URL is
Moderator's Note:
The default return address when replying to a message from "[email protected]" is,
for many users, also "[email protected]". Please take note of this when replying to
posted messages. Thank you. W.C. Athas.
November SMAWG Mtg.
Caltech will host the next meeting at 7:30pm on 6 Nov. 95. The topic will be
gyros and rate sensors. The speakers will be from UCLA and JPL. For more
information, please see:
FTP: /mems/Announcements/SMAWG.txt
in the MEMS Archives ([email protected]).
MEMS Engineer Position at Lawrence Livermore Labs
The Engineering Research Division of the Livermore National Laboratory has an
immediate opening in the MicroTechnology Center for an engineer to develop
MEMS. Typical devices include microfabricated valves, sensors, actuators,
microinstruments, and microflow systems. Primary applications include physical
sensors, chemical analysis, biotechnology, medicine, in-situ monitoring, and
photonics. For more information, please see:
FTP: /mems/Announcements/LawLivermore.txt
in the MEMS Archives ([email protected]).
MEMS Engineer Position at BSAC
The following Engineering job opportunity is now available at the Berkeley
Sensor & Actuator Center (BSAC). Under general direction, the incumbent is
responsible for providing process and development engineering support for BSAC
research projects involving microfabrication processes for micromachined
devices. The incumbent will participate in team-oriented projects with BSAC
faculty, research staff and graduate student researchers. For more information,
please see:
FTP: /mems/Announcements/ucb.txt
in the MEMS Archives ([email protected]).
Employment Opportunities at ISSYS
A few job openings at different levels (Ph.D., MS., BS., and technician) in the
fields of MEMS and sensors are available at Integrated Sensing Systems (ISSYS)
Incorporated, a small company located in Ann Arbor Michigan. For more
information, please see:
FTP: /mems/Announcements/ISSYS.txt
in the MEMS Archives ([email protected]).