Some silicon-dioxide will not etch in BHF...can that be?
antwi nimo
Hello Bob,
The boron doping using boron silicate. I think i have withnessed that before
when the doping goes beyound a value then the oxide which is normally a
protection layer cannot be etched. Is this the process you are talking about?
...and you are right, I think the reasons you give of a polymer might
be the cause.
Guys, I am grateful for all the responses. They did help a lot.
From: Bob Henderson
To: General MEMS discussion
Sent: Wed, July 21, 2010 7:05:29 PM
Subject: [mems-talk] Some silicon-dioxide will not etch in BHF...can that be?
I have seen this effect on wafers that have been processed thru a boron
nitride operation and somehow form a silicide in certain areas of the device
wafers. Otherwise you might have a form of polymer from the drie etch left
behind. An oxygen process at the end of your etch process or ending on an
SF6 period should remove those polymers. Also, using a few drops of
surfactant in your BOE might help to wet the surface being etched and allow
a more complete removal of the oxide.
Bob Henderson
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On
Behalf Of Elina Kasman
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 9:19 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Some silicon-dioxide will not etch in BHF...can that be?
It is possible that you had an effect of material diffusion or re-deposition
during the DRIE process, which would make the oxide more resistant to BHF.