Thanks to your emails. I have some Cr/Au cantilevers anchored to substrate, the
sacrificial layer is a very thin layer of photo-resist(HPR504) . They are
pretty wide and large cantilevers (200*400 um). I am afraid that any wet etch
(even followed by critical dry point) would result in sticking problems. Dry
etch is also usually directional so I may not get rid of the resist
From: Prasanna Srinivasan
To: General MEMS discussion
Sent: Sat, September 18, 2010 9:11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [mems-talk] releasing cantilever beams without release holes
Hello Nahid,
I released cantilever and bridge structures of Al-Si3N4 from the silicon
substrate by isotropic plasma etch. There were no etch holes in those
structures. However, I experienced large undercut on the structures which
was fine for my application. Can you provide more information what exactly
you are looking for? What materials you are processing?