Increase SF6, decrease C4F8. Or increase power. This would make the
etching more isotropic, undirectional.
On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 12:12 AM, 杜 彦召 wrote:
> Hi all;
> Now i am making silicon rib waveguide using dry etcing . To decrease the
sidewall roughness as much as possible i plan to use Room T continuous process
instead of Bosch process. Anybody can give some suggstion to increase the etch
rate ?
> My process parameter:SF6:C4F8:O2
> sccm:5sccm:80sccm,power=800w,time=120s,pressure=10mT,RF power=10w
> Andrew
* Zou Jie (Jay)
* Department of Physics
* University of Florida
* Email: [email protected]