We use sapphire backing wafers (so we can look from the backside for endpoint)
and Crystalbond 509 wax for adhesion. Melt the wax at 125 °C, comes off in
On Nov 9, 2010, at 10:27 AM, Jonathan Abbott wrote:
> The project I am working on involves through wafer etching with a DRIE
> machine. I am interested to see how this is done in other facilities.
> My current process involves attaching a patterned piece of silicon to
> another 4" wafer (the only size our STS will accept). I tried spinning
> a thick coat of photoresist on the carrier wafer and exposing an area
> in the middle for my sample (so that I would have better thermal
> contact to the sample. I use cool grease to attach the sample to the
> carrier wafer.) and that seemed to work ok, but there must be a better
> way.
> Any ideas?
> Jonathan Abbott
> [email protected]