1. Use EDG
2. laser ablation
Looking for your positive feedback.
Thanks & Regards
Bhupesh Bishnoi
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 11:15 AM, abhaya joshi wrote:
> There can be two problems; as i suspect.
> 1) Your oxide layer is not completly removed. so your Cr is not going in Cr
> etchant.
> 2) Or u might be using KI based gold etchant.which will not affect the Cr,
> but HNO3+HCl based gold etchant (Aqua regia) will etch Cr very fast.But be
> careful for underetching.
> How you are depositing top oxide layer?
> Best Luck
> -abhay Joshi