If you are patterning the seed layer before electroplating, I expect
overshooting of the electroplating current density at some points. This
may increase the stress of the electroplated metal at some regions,
which may be the cause of the peeling off. If you can switch to a
process where you can pattern the seed layer after electroplating, you
may consider that process.
Moreover, if the adhesion of Cr/Au is not good, you have to check the
conditions of the coating of the seed layer. Vacuum level, humidity on
the substrate, contaminations in the chamber are the sources of the poor
adhesion. You may also consider a quick BHF dip before coating for your
quartz substrate to increase the surface roughness to get better adhesion.
Best regards,
Kagan Topalli
Postdoctoral Researcher
ElectroScience Laboratory
The Ohio State University
1320 Kinnear Road
Columbus, Ohio 43212
e-mail: [email protected]
On 2:59 PM, Sheng Zhang wrote:
> Hi, All,
> I'm having trouble electroplating Au onto Cr/Au (15nm/55nm) seed layer
> on quartz substrate. I used lift off process to pattern the metal, and
> the patterns are fine after lift off. But when electroplating, the
> pattern comes off (in one piece, so definitely an adhesion problem).
> Does the electroplating solution or temperature affect adhesion?
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks!