Gold and silicon, the material of your wafers, form an eutectic bond.
Why use an adhesion layer, when you could take advantage of the
eutectic temperature (363 C if I recall correctly) and save on the
thickness of the gold layer?
On 3/1/11, khan waseem wrote:
> Qader - what type of information do you need? did you try the way people do
> cu - cu bonding?
> --- On Sun, 2/13/11, Abdul Qader Ahsan Qureshi wrote:
> From: Abdul Qader Ahsan Qureshi
> Subject: [mems-talk] Silver to Silver Thermocompressive Bonding
> To: [email protected]
> Date: Sunday, February 13, 2011, 11:16 PM
> For my Current research work I’m using Gold to Gold Thermocompressive
> bonding for silicon wafer. For this purpose both wafers have been oxidized
> and successively coated with a seed layer of chrome/gold and then plated
> uniformly with a thick gold layer Final aim is to stack multiple Silicon
> wafer by using gold as an intermediate Layer.
> But I’m also interested to use Silver instead of Gold. I’ll appreciate if
> someone can provide information on Silver to Silver Thermocompressive
> bonding.