Is it possible to make PDMS mold in room temperature?
amit asthana
Hello Righeira,
Yes, it is possible to cure PDMS at room temperature. I usually keep the
PDMS at room temperature (20 to 25 degree C) for 12 to 24 hours. This method
is specially good if less shrinkage of cured PDMS is required.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: righeira carnegie
> To: General MEMS discussion
> Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2011 12:14:10 +0200
> Subject: [mems-talk] Is it possible to make PDMS mold in room temperature?
> Hi, we are been trying to make PDMS mold from sylgard 184. instead of the
> curing temperature with the same mixture of ODMS and curing agent, Is it
> possible to make PDMS mold in room temperature, just skipping the heating
> process after pouring the mixture into the mold. We tried once, there is so
> much of difference when followed heating process. The structures where not
> defined properly. Is this due to effect of temperature, but the dowcorning
> people claim it should not change. they say the heating process is only for
> making the procedure faster, so if the heating procedure is not followed
> then it might take ,ore than one day to cure. But in our case we cured ot
> for three days but the structure has changed when compared. The change in
> structure is the height profile of the photonic crystal. has anyone tried
> these things.
> Thanks!
Dr. Amit Asthana
Senior Research Officer
Australian National Fabrication Facility(QLD Node)
Australian Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
The University of Queensland, Building 75, Room 260,
QLD 4072 Australia
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