Hi Andrew,
I try to etch 300nm in Si. With the process that I explain you, I etched
180nm in silicon, and now I'm trying to change the parameters.
I use 25sccm HBr, 30mt and 150W with short and repetitive processes.
I use samples with thermal SiO2 than we buy in a Siltronix Company, but now
we have a new evaporator (thermal, e-beam and sputtering) and I would like
to evaporate our samples, but I don´t know if I can use all kind of process,
Could you recommend me something? Does the RIE etching change?
Thanks a lot
*Plataforma de Nanotecnologia*
Parc Científic de Barcelona
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08028 Barcelona, Spain
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El 06/06/2011 16:42, Andrew Sarangan escribió:
SiO2 should make a good etch mask for Si. How deep does the Si have to
be etched? Also depends on the type of SiO2 - thermal, CVD etc..