I am not sure, but is it possible to attack SiO2 with PMMA ?, i dont
think so, because it forms a bilayer, it does not react. For nanoimprint, I
gone through some paper, they do selective etching having 2 layers. If at
all if you want to isotropically etch SiO2, best way is to do this Reactive
Ion etching, its easy and simple for isotropic. Check it out and let me
know. if at all you succeed in etching SiO2 with PMMA, let me know as well.
Thank you
On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Judith Linacero Blanco
> Hi at all,
> Does anyone know how to etch the SiO2 (about100nm) with a PMMA mask by
> chemical
> attack? Since I want to attack the SiO2 in all directions.
> Best regards,