Re: Source for SOI wafers, wafer bonding source, etc.
Michel Rosa
Virginia Semiconductor in America can provide single crystal Si wafers to a
thickness of 5 micron. They should be able to supply the wafers you are after .
Mike Rosa.
At 09:35 19/11/98 +0900, you wrote:
>You may want to contact Mr. Michael Boyle at Bontronix in America.
>925-947-2664 (fax/tel)
>They may be able to help you with the spec.
>Good luck.
>Adam Cohen wrote:
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> We are seeking a source for a small quantity of SOI wafers with a Si
>> thickness of about 50 microns for deep silicon RIE. We would prefer 4"
>> diameter wafers, but other sizes may be acceptable. Substrate/overall
>> thickness should be as large as possible.
>> As an alternative to these, we are considering bonding a 50-micron Si wafer
>> to glass. Does anyone know good sources for thin wafers and flat glass
>> substrates, and someone who can do the bonding?
>> If anyone has any leads, we'd much appreciate it.
>> Thanks very much,
>> Adam Cohen
>> University of S. California