You are right. We obtained good results after adjusting the parameter of spot-
Hu Xiaodong
At 2011-09-01 01:05:56,"Ruiz, Marcos Daniel (SENCOE)"
>In my experience, when a Cr/Au film is exposed to high temperature, the
>Cr will be absorbed into the Au and adhesion will be lost.
>Could it be that there is some variation in the temperature of your spot
>weld, where in some cases, the Cr absorption temperature is reached and
>sometimes it is not? This would explain why sometimes your film is
>pulled off and sometimes it is not.
>Dan Ruiz
>MEMS Process Engineer
>Honeywell International
>15001 NE 36th street
>Redmond, WA 98073-9701
>Phone - (425) 376-2167
>[email protected]