Hello Sk,
I am no HMDS expert, and am talking from memory, so don't take my word for
any of this:
1: Yes, I believe HMDS is polar, just by looking at the molecule.
2. and 3: HMDS forms a monolayer on SiO2, glass and hopefully (some)
metals, making the surface hydrophobic. Since we're talking of monolayers,
the thickness is probably below 1 nm. During sylilation by HMDS, some
ammonia may be produced.
You will find more info in this reference: F. Deyhimi, J. A. Coles, Helv.
Chim. Acta 65, 1752 (1982)
Rapid Silylation of a Glass Surface: Choice of Reagent and Effect of
Experimental Parameters on Hydrophobicity
On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 8:17 PM, Sk Fahad Chowdhury <
[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have a few questions about hexamethyldisilazane or HMDS
> (CH3-Si-NH2-Si-CH3)
> 1. 1. Is HMDS a polar molecule? Is there any dipole present?
> electronegativity values of constituents are : H 2.2, C 2.55, Si 1.9, N
> 3.04. Carbon (2.55) - flourine (4) bonds are polar because of their
> electronegativity difference.
> 2. 2. How thick can HMDS on top of SiO2-Si be when it is dried in air
> from a liquid state? Can the thickness of HMDS be determined when it is air
> dried?
> 3. If HMDS is air dried and some molecules are left in sample, is it going
> to be HMDS molecule or it will be something else? Will it release ammonia?
> Also will it be a continuous layer or there will be clustering?
> Thanks a lot :)
> regards
> Sk
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Gianmario Scotti
Aalto University, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
Micronova, Tietotie 3
02150 Espoo
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