Hi. As long as I don't know actual shape and dimension of your self
made cantilever it is hard to say that what I will say is right method
for you but I will try.
You could but conventional chip carrier from several company but it
probably does not suit your need cause
1) conventional chip carrier
(http://www.spectrum-semi.com/products/lcc.html) is not designed for
expose certain part of sample from chip carrier it is designed for
rather hide and protect sample from exposed to outer space.
usually height of chip carrier side wall is higher than sample height
for protection.
2) cause you only need 2 lead for your experiment.
How about looking for or designing custom made PCB (plastic circuit
board) (http://m.iopscience.iop.org/0957-4484/25/1/014001/article)
probably cheap and easy to mount and use it. also its weight is light.
Myung Rae Cho
>From Seoul
On Fri Jan 24 08:48:55 2014, Haider, Ahmad M wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a few silicon micro cantilevers which I want to use as AFM probes (in
an Asylum MFP AFM). This means I would have to attach the cantilever onto a
cantilever holder, which in turn fits onto the AFM machine. However, unlike
standard cantilevers, these cantilevers have electrodes integrated onto the
cantilever itself. That means I need to somehow connect the electrodes to
external positive and ground voltages. This is the way I was planning to do it:
I will attach the cantilever onto a carrier chip; then wire bond the electrodes
from the cantilever onto the leads of the carrier chip and then attach the
carrier chip itself onto a custom AFM cantilever holder (which I will have to
design). The leads from the carrier chip will act as the electrodes (positive
and ground voltages). Is this solution viable? If so, how can I get hold (or
purchase)onn of a carrier chip? Otherwise, is there a better/easier method to do
> Thank you,
> Ahmad Haider
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