Hi Sajeesh,
We’ve had some problems with SU-8 50 in our lab as well. One thing that we found
that worked, was rinsing the Si sample with acetone, IPA and then doing a 20-25
min of UV-Ozone (UVO) cleaning.
Hope this helps,
João Tiago dos Santos Fernandes
INESC Microsistemas e Nanotecnologias
Rua Alves Redol, 9
1000-029 Lisbon
Tel: +351 21 310 02 31
URL: http://www.inesc-mn.pt
Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IN) - Associated Laboratory
URL: www.in-nano.net
On 25 Aug 2014, at 12:54, Sajeesh P wrote:
> Hi
> We are trying to coat su8 10 over the silicon wafer for a thickness of
> resist 20 um. The protocol specified by Micro chem is followed for this
> thickness.Spin speed of 1590 rpm with acceleration of 300 rpm and 30
> seconds. The problem is, after coating the Su8 over the wafer, suddenly
> resist form islands over the wafer (resist balling up and leaving small
> empty pores). Thus the channels of 10 um is not possible to form.
> We also tried to coat an HMDS coating to improve the adhesion. But the
> balling up effect increased. Instead of small diameter pores, It form large
> diameter vacant spaces.
> We done an HF dip (1: 5 ratio) before the coating of su8 and dehydration of
> wafer with 150 C at about 10 minutes.Is it problem of lack of cleaning of
> wafer. Any other cleaning procedure should follow for this?
> Please suggest me some remedy for this
> --
> Sajeesh P
> Mechanical Engineering Dept
> IIT Madras
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