Convert [.dfx] to [.gbr] file for mask layout printing
Kyle Godin
Karthikeyan K,
I have used LinkCAD which works well but is expensive. It includes boolean
operations etc on top of file conversion. For a one-time convert you can use the
trial version and not pay anything.
On Dec 16, 2014, at 3:27, KarthiKeyan K wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I want to convert my <.dfx> file into <.gbr> file format for mask layout
> printing.
> Please suggest how to convert it?? Now I have <.dfx> file format.
> I want to convert <.gbr> file format.
> email ID: [email protected]
> Looking forward to your reply friends,
> Thanking you,
> Best Regards,
> Karthikeyan K
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