Dear Friends,
Actually i am working in SU8 2075 negative photoresist and am facing to
achieve exact size of mask pattern on my SU8 photoresist for the example my
mask pattern size is 50 micro meter means i have achieved 60 micro meter.
So Please suggest how to get exact size of the mask pattern on my SU8
Photoresist layer??? any parameter to get exact size of the mask pattern on
my SU8 Photoresist.??
Looking forward to your suggestions.
Thanking you,
Best Regards,
Thanks & Best Regards,
KarthiKeyan K,
Research Associate,
National MEMS Design Center,
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Rajalakshmi Engineering College (REC),
Chennai - 602105
Mobile No: +91-9944477213
Email ID: [email protected]
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