Dear Sir,
Please suggest how to calculate the UV exposure time for different
thickness of SU8 2075 negative photoresist layer.
I have used different SU8 layer thickness such as 60,80,100,120,140,160
micro meter thickness.
Looking forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Karthikeyan K
On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 12:21 PM, Daniel Figura <
[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello Karthi,
> I would expect that reason is heavy overexposure. Try to make an exposure
> matrix to see where your process is. The easiest way to do it is to take
> the coated wafer, load it into your exposure system, cover the part of the
> mask and expose the substrate, than uncover different part and expose with
> different dose and so forth. Make e.g. 6 sectors with 50, 100, 200, 500,
> 1000, 2000 mJ/ cm2, PEB, develop and inspect. You should see that at some
> low dose, you lose all the structures, while at higher they remain and only
> get wider and wider. Try to find optimum and repeated with finer steps in
> exposure dose.
> In case that would not lead to the conclusion, check whether your exposure
> light is all ok, that it is collimated, that you have right exposure gap or
> in contact (not sitting on the edge bead), you do not have scattered light
> from substrate or chuck, etc. If your structures are so much wider than on
> the mask, which means that some parts of resist which you did not intend to
> expose get exposed as well.
> What dose do you use now? What is the thickness of your layer?
> Keep in mind that the optimum process might not give you 0 litho bias (1:1
> size) - there might be other consideration you need to take into the
> account, e.g. whether you structures does not get distorted during PEB,
> have enough adhesion to the substrates during development etc. Once you get
> a reliable process, you can fix the remaining bias on the mask.
> Daniel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On
> Behalf Of KarthiKeyan K
> Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:05 AM
> To: General MEMS discussion
> Subject: [mems-talk] SU8 2075 Pattern - Reg:
> Dear Friends,
> Actually i am working in SU8 2075 negative photoresist and am facing to
> achieve exact size of mask pattern on my SU8 photoresist for the example my
> mask pattern size is 50 micro meter means i have achieved 60 micro meter.
> So Please suggest how to get exact size of the mask pattern on my SU8
> Photoresist layer??? any parameter to get exact size of the mask pattern on
> my SU8 Photoresist.??
> Looking forward to your suggestions.
> Thanking you,
> Best Regards,
> Karthi
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Thanks & Best Regards,
*KarthiKeyan K,*
Research Associate,
Centre for MEMS & Microfluidics,
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,
Rajalakshmi Engineering College (REC),
Chennai - 602105
Mobile No: +91-9944477213
Email ID: [email protected]
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