The 10^-7 Torr during evaporation is a pretty decent vacuum level, and the
oxidation rate should be very minimal especially if you keep the deposition
rate high.
On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Ali Alsaqqa wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to know what is the best way to prepare films of elemental
> Chromium. Exact thickness does not matter, but something like hundreds of
> nanometers should be fine. The target measurement is simple transport (I,
> V) in the presence of some magnetic field.
> My main concern here is oxidization. I was thinking about depositing the
> films using e-beam evaporator, but it can attain a vacuum of only 10-7
> Torr, and with this level oxidization will occur. MBE is not an option at
> the moment.
> I was also thinking about buying wafers from commercial sectors, but I will
> run into the same problem, i.e. the surface will oxidize as soon as it
> contacts air.
> Are there any suggestions?
> Ali M. Alsaqqa,
> PhD candidate,
> Department of Physics,
> University at Buffalo, NY, USA
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