How to remove scallop polymer residual after STS2 DRIE
Youmin Wang
Hi Mehmet,
Thank you so much, this is very good information. I have only etched up to
3 hours using post-etch removers, in concern with the damage to my silicon
structure. I think your experience is definitely helpful to me.
Thanks again!
On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 9:53 AM, Mehmet Yilmaz
> Hello again Youmin,
> Unfortunately, I am not an expert on the chemistry of the ALEG 380. I do
> not know how it works...
> I just remember very vividly that I used ALEG 380 for a 8-10 hours long
> process to remove a big chunk of BOSCH process polymer from a specific
> region while the rest of the wafer was also exposed to ALEG 380. I worked
> with SOI wafer. When I used ALGE 380, silicon dioxide surfaces (BOX), and
> "silicon device layer" surfaces were exposed ALEG 380. I do not remember
> oxide or Si being etched in the end of 8-10 hours long polymer removal
> session at 80 degrees Celcius.
> Regards,
> Mehmet
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 7:39 PM, Youmin Wang
> wrote:
>> Hello Mehmet,
>> Thank you very much for your suggestions!!
>> I have worked with EKC270 from DuPont:
>> I think they both remove the polymer and try to "lift off" the residue by
>> etching the substrate slightly? Thanks in advance for your comments.
>> Best,
>> Youmin
>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 9:28 AM, Mehmet Yilmaz
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Youmin,
>>> You may try ALEG 380. The link for the product is below:
>>> I used ALEG 380 at 80 degress Celcius temperature. And it definitely
>>> worked in my case. However, I see that your features are way more smaller
>>> than what I had when I used ALEG 380. My lines and spaces were 2um/2um.
>>> I hope this helps! Good luck!
>>> Bests,
>>> Mehmet
>>> On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 9:32 PM, Youmin Wang
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello Everyone,
>>>> I want to etch the silicon structure below to half of its heigh (from
>>>> 2un to 1um) in standard BOSCH process:
>>>> [image: Inline image 1]
>>>> However I got a lot of sidewalls un-removed:
>>>> [image: Inline image 2]
>>>> I tried with EKC270 post-etch cleaning but there are still quite a few
>>>> sidewalls still there, topview is like:
>>>> [image: Inline image 3]
>>>> Do you think whether my etching recipe has any problem, or you know
>>>> whether I can do something post-etch to clean those standing sidewalls?
>>>> Thanks a lot!
>>>> Best,
>>>> Youmin
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