The Si wafer needs to be connected to the positive side of your power supply
even for the second glass-Si bond.
Good luck.
Tseng-Yang Hsu
Integrated Micromachines
[email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: Debjani Pal
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, July 15, 1999 2:05 PM
Subject: Can you help me?
>I am a graduate student, who has just started work on MEMS.
>My work needs bonding glass anodically to both sides of
>single-crystal silicon.We bonded glass to one side of the wafer and then
>tried bonding glass to the other side as well.
>But it does not work in spite of doubling the applied voltage.
>Any suggestions/references about this will be most welcome.
>Research Scholar (Semiconductor Group)
>Department of Physics Ph: (080)309-2316
>Indian Institute of Science Fax:(080)334-1683
>Bangalore - 560012