A workshop on MEMS curriculum and curriculum development was held at the U. of
Illinois - Chicago this past August (organized by Peter Hesketh). Included in
that workshop were reports on a number of undergraduate curriculum efforts.
References to our work at Dartmouth (including WWW sites) is given below. To my
knowledge (and forgive me if I leave anyone out; the order follows more or less
the order from the workshop), information on *undergraduate* programs at other
institutions can be obtained from the individuals or references below. I'm
certain there are WWW sites for most of these efforts, but do not have the URLs
right at hand.
Al Henning
Associate Professor
Thayer School of Engineering
Dartmouth College
[email protected]
MIT (M. Lu and M. Schmidt, Microsystems Technology Lab); reported in M. Lu and
M. A. Schmidt, "A process design course utilizing micromechanical devices."
Proc. Ninth Univ./Gov't./Industry Microelectronics Symp., p.60-3 (1991).
Published by IEEE.
U. of Minnesota (NSF Grant ENG-9212159, W. P. Robbins, PI)
U. Illinois-Chicago (NSF Grant ENG-9315420, G. Maclay, PI).
Louisiana Tech, Institute for Micromanufacturing (C. Friedrich, NSF Grant
Louisiana State U. (M. C. Murphy)
U. Utah (R. Huber)
Texas Christian U. (E. Kolesar)
U. Pennsylvania (J. Zemel)
Northeastern U. (P. Zavracky)
Simon Fraser U. (A. Parameswaran)
U. Illinois-Urbana-Champaign (T. A. DeTemple and M. Shannon)
Dartmouth (NSF Grant DUE-9354726, A. K. Henning, PI); reported in A. K. Henning
and C. G. Levey, "The Science and Technology of Micro-machines: Development of
an Undergraduate Course." Proc. Eleventh Univ./Gov't./Industry Microelectronics
Symp., p.230-236 (1995). Published by IEEE. See the following WWW URLs: http://
hypatia.dartmouth.edu/henning/henning.html http://hypatia.dartmouth.edu/
levey.html http://hypatia.dartmouth.edu/levey/ssml/home.html http://
Some related references on undergraduate *microelectronics* fabrication
+++R. J. Feugate, Jr., "A joint partnership for improving undergraduate
microelectronics instruction". IEEE/SEMI Int'l. Semiconductor Manufacturing
Science Symp., p.82-5 (1993)
+++P. S. Gwozdz, "Semiconductor manufacturing education at San Jose State
University". IEEE Trans. Semic. Manuf. 5, p.153-6 (1992)
+++K. Prasad, "Enhancement of competence in microelectronics technology through
incorporation of VLSI design and fabrication courses in engineering
curriculum". Proc. Eighth Univ./Gov't./Industry Microelectronics Symp.,
p.137-40 (1989)
+++R. L. Lane, et al., "Polysilicon gate NMOS project for undergraduate
laboratory". Proc. Eighth Univ./Gov't./Industry Microelectronics Symp., p.132-6
+++A. K. Henning and C. G. Levey, "Undergraduate research in micro-fabrication
science and technology at Dartmouth College". ASEE 1994 Annual Conf. Proc., pp.
2599-2606 (American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, DC, 1994).