1995 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology
sponsored by the Foresight Institute
A prize in the amount of $10,000 will be awarded to the researcher whose recent
work has most advanced the development of molecular nanotechnology. The prize
will be given at the Fourth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology,
to be held in Palo Alto, California, on November 9-11, 1995. Young researchers
are particularly encouraged to apply.
Submissions consist of one or more of the following, in English:
an approved thesis or dissertation (bachelor's, master's, or Ph.D.)
an article published in a refereed journal
a paper approved for publication in a refereed journal
In addition, each submission must include a one-page summary of the work and
its relevance to the goal of molecular nanotechnology and/or molecular
manufacturing. (If the journal article submitted has multiple authors, the
applicant's role in the research must be stated.) Summaries may be up to 400
words in length.
Research areas considered relevant to molecular nanotechnology and molecular
manufacturing include but are not limited to:
* supramolecular chemistry and self assembly
* proximal probes (e.g. STM, AFM)
* biochemistry and protein engineering
* computational chemistry and molecular modeling
* natural molecular machines (e.g. flagellar motor, ribosome)
* materials science
Both experimental and theoretical work are eligible. Special consideration will
be given to submissions clearly leading toward the construction of a
general-purpose molecular assembler. Applicants wishing further information on
the field of the prize are referred to the book _Nanosystems: Molecular
Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation_ (Wiley Interscience, 1992), or see
the Web page
The previous Selection Committee, for the 1993 Prize, included:
Masakazu Aono, Aono Atomcraft Project; Chief Scientist, RIKEN, Japan Robert
Birge, Syracuse University professor, chemistry and molecular electronics
K. Eric Drexler, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Molecular
Manufacturing and Chairman, Foresight Institute
Stig Hagstrom, Chancellor of the Swedish University system
Tracy Handel, Du Pont, protein science (now at UC Berkeley)
Arthur Kantrowitz, Dartmouth College, professor of engineering, and
Advisor, Foresight Institute
Ralph Merkle, Computational Nanotechnology Project, Xerox Palo Alto
Research Center
Marvin Minsky, MIT Media Lab professor, and Advisor, Foresight Institute
Kary Mullis, winner of 1993 Nobel and inventor of PCR method in molecular
Jane Richardson, Duke University, professor, protein science Hiroyuki
Sasabe, Head of Laboratory for Nano-Photonics Materials, RIKEN Institute,
Submissions should be mailed to the Foresight Institute at the postal address
below, to arrive by September 1, 1995. One copy of the paper or thesis and five
copies of the one-page summary are required. The summary must include the
applicant's address, telephone, and (if possible) fax number and email address.
Finalists may be contacted for additional information. The prizewinner must be
present at the conference to accept the prize.
For further information, contact the Foresight Institute at P.O. Box 61058,
Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA. Tel 415-324-2490, Fax 415-324-2497, E-mail
[email protected] , Web page