CALL FOR PAPERS: Fourth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology
SUMMARY: The conference will be held November 9-11, 1995, in Palo Alto. It is a
multidisciplinary meeting on molecular nanotechnology, that is, thorough
three-dimensional structural control of materials and devices at the molecular
level. Attendees will include chemists, materials scientists, physicists,
engineers, and computer scientists interested in learning about the field and
participating in its development. For further information, contact
[email protected], or see the Web Page
Fourth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology
November 9-11, 1995
Palo Alto, California
Sponsor: Foresight Institute
Cosponsors: Caltech Materials and Process Simulation Center
USC Molecular Robotics Lab
Institute for Molecular Manufacturing
This conference is a meeting of scientists and technologists working in fields
leading toward molecular nanotechnology: thorough three-dimensional structural
control of materials and devices at the molecular level. The conference will
cover topics relevant to the pursuit of molecular control, drawing from fields
such as:
* supramolecular chemistry and self assembly
* proximal probes (e.g. STM, AFM)
* biochemistry and protein engineering
* computational chemistry and molecular modeling
* computer science (e.g. computational models, system design issues)
* natural molecular machines (e.g. flagellar motor, ribosome)
* materials science
* mechanical engineering (CAD) and robotics
* many others
Developments in these fields are converging, opening opportunities for fruitful
collaboration in developing new instruments, devices, and capabilities.
Topics and invited speakers include:
Donald Brenner, N. Carolina State Univ.
Simulated Engineering of Nanostructures
Richard Colton, NRL
Tip Surface Interactions
Eric Drexler, Institute for Molecular Manufacturing
Directions in Nanotechnology
William A. Goddard III, Caltech
Computational Chemistry and Nanotechnology
Tracy Handel, UC Berkeley
Protein Design
Adm. David Jeremiah, USN (Ret.), Technology Strategies
and Alliances, (Topic to be announced)
Ralph Merkle, Xerox PARC
Design Considerations for an Assembler
Charles Musgrave, MIT
Chemical Synthesis of Nanomachinery
Aristides Requicha, USC
Molecular Robotics
Richard Smalley, Rice University
Nanotechnology at Rice
Fraser J. Stoddard, University of Birmingham
The Art and Science of Self-assembling Molecular Machines
The 1995 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (and accompanying $10,000 award) will
be presented at the meeting to the researcher whose recent work has most
advanced the development of molecular nanotechnology. Nomination information is
available from the Foresight Institute, or see on the Web ftp://
Leading vendors will demonstrate products useful in the pursuit of molecular
control, including molecular modeling software and hardware, and proximal probe
systems (e.g. STM).
Contributions on relevant topics are solicited for presentation in lecture or
poster format. Potential contributors are asked to submit an abstract (200-400
words), including names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers of the author(s),
email address, and an indication of whether oral or poster presentation is
preferred. Papers of both kinds will be reviewed for publication. Authors will
be encouraged to make their papers available electronically, and accepted
preprints will be published on the Web. In choosing papers, priority will be
given to (1) cogent descriptions of the state of the art in techniques relevant
to the construction of complex molecular systems, (2) well-grounded proposals
for multidisciplinary efforts which, if funded and pursued, could substantially
advance the state of the art, and (3) reports of recent relevant research.
Proceedings of the conference will be refereed and published in a special issue
of the international journal Nanotechnology and later in book form.
Abstracts due: June 30, 1995
Notification of acceptance: August 1, 1995
Manuscripts due: October 15, 1995
Abstracts should be directed to the Foresight Institute, Box 61058, Palo Alto,
CA 94306, USA; fax 415-324-2497; email [email protected]
Conference sessions will be held at the Hyatt Hotel in Palo Alto. Accommodation
arrangements should be made directly with the hotel. Reservations should be
made by October 23; when making reservations, mention that you are attending
the "Foresight Nanotechnology Conference" to obtain the lower conference room
rate. Deposits in the amount of the first night's stay plus tax are required to
guarantee reservations; these are refundable up to 6 PM on the date of arrival.
Room rate: $93, single or double occupancy, plus 10% local tax.
Hyatt Hotel
4219 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(415) 493-8000 tel
(415) 858-1151 fax
The conference site is easily reached from San Francisco International Airport
and San Jose International Airport. Information on ground transportation
services will be mailed to registrants.
(please print and mail or fax)
Title: Dr. Prof. Ms. Mr.
Position (programmer, professor, director, etc.):
Organizational affiliation (for your badge):
How did you hear about this conference:
The registration fee includes the scientific program, Wednesday evening
reception, Thursday and Friday luncheons, and a copy of the proceedings journal
issue. (Student and one-day rates do not include proceedings.) Amounts over
$100 are tax-deductible as a charitable contribution.
postmarked: by Sept. 1 after Sept. 1
Regular $350 $400
Academic, nonprofit,
governmental $275 $325
Student $100 $125
One day (specify day) $135 $160
Amount enclosed: $
Payment may be made by VISA, MasterCard, check, or international money order
valid in the U.S. Make checks payable to "Foresight Conferences"; checks and
bank drafts must be in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank. Refunds of
registration fees can only be made on receipt of a written request which must
be postmarked no later than September 15, and are subject to a $50
administrative fee. Credit card registrations may be faxed.
Card #:
Exp. date:
Signature (required for credit card registrations):
Mail or fax registration to:
Foresight Institute
Box 61058, Palo Alto CA 94306 USA
Tel. 415-324-2490 Fax 415-324-2497
Internet: [email protected]