Can you give us a bit more information? What size of membrane is required
(thickness, diameter)? Do you mean that you are using silicon as the
support material? There were some papers a while back in the Journal of
Micromechanics and Microengineering about silicon nitride membranes. As I
recall, these were produced by PECVD of nitride on both sides of a silicon
wafer, followed by patterning of the nitride on one side, which was then
used as a mask for KOH etching of the silicon. The resultant membranes were
used in experiments on direct-write e-beam patterning, using very high
acceleration voltages (~400KeV). The membranes were sufficiently thin to
avoid any back-scattering of the electrons. This work was done by Prof.
Broers and co-workers at Cambridge University Engineering Department.
Hope this helps.
Martin Walker
Plasma Technology, Oxford Instruments
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