Many announcements are now available by World Wide Web in addition to ftp. For
World Wide Web users, the URL is "".
The MEMS Archive computer system was down from 9-11 Apr. 95 because of a
hardware problem. The Clearinghouse staff apologize for this interruption to
the service. Efforts are under way to upgrade the system to a more reliable
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: 1995 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology
A prize in the amount of $10,000 will be awarded to the researcher whose recent
work has most advanced the development of molecular nanotechnology. The prize
will be given at the Fourth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology,
to be held in Palo Alto, California, on 9-11 Nov. 95. Young researchers are
particularly encouraged to apply.
Submissions should be mailed to the Foresight Institute at the postal address
below, to arrive by 1 Sep. 95. For more information please see "/mems/
Announcements/feynman_award.txt" in the MEMS Archive (""). Or
contact the Foresight Institute at P.O. Box 61058, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA.
Tel: 415-324-2490, FAX: 415-324-2497, Email:, Web page
CALL FOR PAPERS: Fourth Foresight Conference on Molecular Nanotechnology
The conference will be held 9-11 Nov. 95, in Palo Alto. It is a
multidisciplinary meeting on molecular nanotechnology, that is, thorough
three-dimensional structural control of materials and devices at the molecular
level. Attendees will include chemists, materials scientists, physicists,
engineers, and computer scientists interested in learning about the field and
participating in its development.
Abstracts due 30 Jun. 95. Manuscripts due 15 Oct 95.
For more information please see "/mems/Announcements/CFP-NanoConf.txt" in the
MEMS Archive ("") or contact, or see the
Web page
ANNOUNCEMENT AND CFP: SPIE'S Micromachining and Microfabrication '95
Austin, Texas, USA, 23-24 Oct. 1995, Austin Marriott at the Capitol.
***Abstract deadline extended to 8 May 1995***
This conference is intended to bring together the rapidly evolving
knowledge-base, expertise, tools and techniques that are being developed and
employed in MEMS technology. Papers related, in general, to the
microlithographic fabrication and metrology of MEMS are solicited. For more
information, please see: "/mems/Announcements/spie3.txt" in the MEMS Archive
MCNC/CWRU MEMS Short Course Offering
The next MCNC / Case Western Reserve University MEMS short course, entitled
"Introduction to Micromechanical Systems and the Multiusers MEMS Processes" has
been added to the MCNC MEMS home page available on the World Wide Web.
The MCNC MEMS home page is located at URL:
The short course information including registration information and course
agenda is located at URL:
The short course will be offered 14-16 Jun. 95 at MCNC. Please feel free to
contact Jason Hoch, Tel: (919) 248-1983, FAX: (919) 248-1455 if you have any
questions regarding this or if you would like a registration form FAXed.
MUMPS Design Deadline
The design deadline for the 8th ARPA-supported Multi-User MEMS Processes
(MUMPs) run is scheduled for 15 May 95.
MUMPs is available to all domestic (USA and Canada) industry, academic and
government parties. Participants may purchase a 1cm x 1cm die location for $500
with approximately 15 unreleased die delivered. Layout service and die
releasing are available at an additional cost. Design rules and process
specifications are available from MCNC.
For more information please see: "/mems/Announcements/mumps8.txt" in the MEMS
Archive (""), or send email to Dave Koester or
call 919-248-1493. More information on MUMPs, including the schedule for
upcoming runs, is available at the following web site:
Research positions at Louisiana Tech University
It is anticipated that Post-doc and engineer positions, and graduate student
assistantships will be available beginning mid-summer 1995 at Louisiana Tech
University in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. Research will be
conducted in the new Institute for Micromanufacturing(IFM) and the Center for
Rehabilitation Science and Biomedical Engineering(CRSBE) at Louisiana Tech
University in Ruston.
For more information please see "/mems/Announcements/latech-job2.txt" in the
MEMS Archive ("").