I don't remember how I signed up on this list but most list servers
have a digest feature. If this one doesn't we can probably find one that
Gordon Couger [email protected]
Owner PRAG-L PRactical AGriculture List www.couger.com/prag-l
Stillwater, OK 405 624-2855 GMT -6:00
-----Original Message-----
From: M.C. Federico Sandoval
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, March 01, 1999 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: MEMS_ISI: Digest
>That4s a good idea!
>F. Sandoval
>On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, William Benard wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Many people seem to favour the mailing list for convenience, but not
>> volume. Why not send all the daily mail in a single daily digest, i.e. a
>> single mail message containing a day's worth of messages. The titles of
>> all the messages could be listed at the top so that it may be quickly
>> scanned.
>> Regards,
>> William Benard
>> Phone: (703) 620-8990
>> Fax: (703) 620-0913
>> Address: Corporation for National Research Initiatives
>> 1895 Preston White Drive Suite 100,
>> Reston, VA,
>> 20191-5434
>> URL: www.mems-exchange.org
>> www.cnri.reston.va.us