You could try to use FIB technology to mill the micro-mirror.
Fu Yongqi
Research Fellow
Precision Engineering Laboratory
School of Mechanical and Production Engineering
Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798
Tel: 65 7906875/7906336
Fax: 65 7911859(overseas)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rose Zhang [SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 6:11 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: MEMS:micro-mirror follow-up
> Hello!
> Here's a summary of responses to my original question of designing a
> micro-mirror with a deflection angle of 40 to 45 degree.
> 1. Use polymers as the hinge material
> 2. Increase hinge length by using folded or coiled hinge
> 3. Design a hinge that are able to rotate freely.
> Since we are using one kind of polymer as the sacrificial layer, the first
> solution is likely to complicate the fabrication process too much. We are
> going to investigate the feasibility of the second and third solutions. I
> will keep you posted with the progress. In the meantime, any other
> solutions
> are welcome!
> I would like to acknowledge the following persons who have responded to my
> email.
> Franck Chollet
> Rob Conant
> Jarlath McEntee
> Mark Wendman
> Huaping Xu
> Thank you all! You've been most helpful.
> Regards
> Rose Zhang
> Photonics Materials & Processes
> Nationa Optics Institute
> 369 rue Franquet, Ste-Foy
> Que, Canada
> Tel: (418)657-7406x506
> Fax:(418)657-7009