Robert: I believe we met at MEMS 99. BSAC did a project plasma etching
very nice work. Their review meeting is next week. There are some sodium
etches which serve as adhesion promoters before adhesives are applied.
Jon Bernstein
At 05:34 PM 3/8/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I am compiling information on Teflon, but the etching characteristics have
>particularly elusive.
>Can anyone help in this regard? Information on its molding will also be
>Thank you.
>Robert S. Okojie, Ph.D.
>Senior Engineer
>Ford Microelectronics
>9965 Federal Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921-3698
>Phone:(719)528-7727; Fax: (719)528-7529
>"The frontier of knowledge has no boundary. Paradigms rise and fall"
Jonathan Bernstein
MEMS Technology Center
Draper Labs, MS 37
555 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
[email protected]
Tel. (617) 258-2513
Fax (617) 258-4238