Please contact
Dr. Heiko Moritz
GT Equipment Technologies Inc.,
e-mail: [email protected]
603 883 5200
FAX: 603 595 6993
Good luck,
At 11:52 PM 3/25/99 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi, Everybody
>Right now, a lot of people are practise CO2 drying after the sacrificial
>I wonder whether someone could give me some information about the vendor of
>such systems.
>Jun Zou
>Micro Actuator,Sensor & System Group, CCSM
>319B Microelectronics Lab
>208 N.Wright Street
>Urbana, IL 61801
>E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Rajeshuni Ramesham
Senior Member of Engineering Staff
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (M/S: 125-152)
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Tel.: 1 818 354 7190
Fax: 1 818 393 5245
e-mail:[email protected]