Re: deflecetion measurement of bimetallic cantilever beams
Arun Majumdar
You might like to look at the AFM literature on
measuring cantilever deflections. There is
a good book by D. Sarid on this. I will also
ask one of my students who is developing
a deflection detection system.
We are also doing similar things. You could check
our website:
-- Arun Majumdar
At 12:48 AM 4/16/99 -0400, you wrote:
>We are using a laser optical system to measure the deflection of the
>bimetallic cantilever beams. We are not using the interferometer method.
>Our output signal is a voltage from the PSD(Position Sensitive Dectector),
>and we would like to know how much does the cantilever beam deflect.
>Does anyone have such experience to calibrate this kind of measurement?
>I would appreciate any suggestions.
>OR some advice on how to measure the deflection of the bimetallic
>cantilever beam(say, a 100um X 50um cantilever).
>Junhua Wu
Professor Arun Majumdar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
6169 Etcheverry Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA
Ph: (510) 643-8199; Fax: (510) 642-6163
Email: [email protected]