You could use a non-contact setup like an equipment made by Quantox. It
deposits a corona charge on the film and uses a Kelvin probe to measure the
capacitance. If you already know the phyisical thickness, you can derive
the dielectric constant.
I am not sure if you would call this a true "physical measurement".
At 04:41 PM 4/21/99 -0700, you wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am currently working with 15 micron thick, spin-on polyimide films.
> The films are hard-baked following patterning. Since these films are
> for a microwave/RF application (I'm fabricating tranmission lines on
> the polyimide, substrate is Si), I'm interested in measuring the
> dielectric constant and dielectric loss tangent for these films,
> following the curing step. I would like to know the variation in
> dielectric constant, loss tangent as a function of curing times,
> temperatures, etc...
> As far as I know the easiest way to do this is to fabricate a
> capacitor, with the polyimide as the dielectric and perform
> measurements usings the C-V meter.
> An alternative approach is to fabricate transmission lines, measure
> S-parameters, and extract the dielectric constant from the data...
> I'd be interested in performing an actual physical measurement, if
> possible, rather than rely on a functional device/component...
> Any suggestions would be appreciated...
> Thanks,
> Avi Kane
> Raytheon Systems Company
> [email protected]