Summary - Information on GDSII to Autocad DXF format translation
Jonathan Bernstein
Summary: Information on translators
GDSII to Autocad DXF format translation:
The following is a compilation of information that was submitted by several
helpful respondents. To translate between Cadence Layout Editor files (or
GDSII, also called stream output) and AutoCad DXF format, commercial software
is available from:
Artwork Conversion Software
1320 Mission Street, Suite 5
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Fax: (408)426-2824
Phone:(408) 426-6163
Steve DiBartolomeo
Prices 7/94:
Translation two way: on a PC: $3500
Two way on a Sun Workstation: $4000
One way on a Sun Workstation $2000
It runs under DOS with a hardware key to prevent simultaneous use on multiple
machines. It works best if all GDS cells (also called structures) are smashed
flat before translation to DXF, but handles some cell instances without
problems. I have limited experience with the opposite path from DXF to GDS.
(Phil Barth)
Software is also available for the Dec VMS operating system from a company
called Fugu (formerly Octal): (206) 881-8080
Please post results to the [email protected] list.
Jonathan Bernstein
The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
Cambridge MA 02139
[email protected]