"Formulas for Stress and Strain" by Roark and Young, McGraw Hill Book
ISBN 0-07-053031-9
Phil Klauder
Siemens Moore Process Automation
Measurement and Controls Division, M/S 510
1201 Sumneytown Pike
Spring House, PA 19477
Voice: 215-646-7400 ext. 2151
Fax: 215-646-3547
E-Mail: [email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: Nickolay Lavrik [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2000 3:55 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Q:spring constant calculation
Does anyone know the equation (or the reference where it can be found)
that can be used to estimate a spring constant of a thin plate (such as
microcantilever) based on the plate geometry (thickness, width, length)
and Young's modulus of the material ?
You help will be much appreciated.
Nickolay Lavrik
University of Tennessee
Department of Chemistry
420 Buehler Hall
Ph.(865) 974-6174