I had a question about ultrasonic (polaroid)sensors.
Because they behave like a capacitive load it's
difficult to make an amplifier for the signals you
send to these sensors. The signals must be of a
frequency between 45kHz and 55KHz, so I have to make
an amplifier that can produce voltages in these
frequency area, and the voltages have to reach
voltages of -150 to 150V, perhaps more. These voltages
make the sensor able to vibrate and send ultasonic
signals. Bats olso use these signals to find their way
when they fly in their caves. Can you give me any
advice or information about the method of amplifing or
any important information about these sensors.
I thought I'll just use a simple puch-pull amplifier
like used for audio, but when amplifing audiosignals
there is no capacitive load but a resistive load,
excuse for my bad English.
Thanks a lot for your time
Sincerely, ABDALLAH, student design-engineer
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