> I am etching a microfluidics channel into Corning 2947 soda lime glass
> using a 1:1 mixture of (BOE 6:1) : (BOE 10:1) from Baker.
I haven't worked with this kind of glass. My experince is only on #7740.
Annealing and etchant are two aproaches. You don't need NH4F in your
etchant, for you don't use photoresist. Using H+ to adjust the F-
concentration works well in #7740. (50%HF:69%HNO3:H2O at a volume rate of
2:1:2). About glass annealing, please also refer to
Fan, Z.H. and Harrison, D.J., 1994, Anal. Chem. 66:177-184.
Some of my glass wafers need this annealing process. But recent wafers don't
need this process.
Good luck,
Dr. Zhen YANG
Surface & Interface Technology Division
Department of Manufacturing Systems
Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
Namiki 1-2, Tsukuba
JAPAN 305-8564
TEL: +81-298-61 7209
FAX: +81-298-61 7167