Dear Li,
Try contacting AMMT (Address below) in Germany. They have designed various
size's of wafer holder to accomodate single side etching.
AMMT Advanced Micromachining Tools GmbH
Anselm-Feuerbach-Str. 6
D-67227 Frankenthal
Telephone: +49-6233-49600-14
Telefax: +49-6233-4362-14
eMail: [email protected]
Dr Anil Patel
Caswell, Towcester
NN12 8FH
Phone +44 1327 356331
Fax +44 1327 356422
Email:[email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: Li Song [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 08 May 2001 09:51
To: [email protected]
Subject: how to passivate Si wafer( one side) in 600C KOH?
Dear friends,
I am fabricating gas sensor by using SOI wafer.
Because not having suitable chuck for one side
etching, I try to passivate one side, then put whole
wafer in KOH. Considering etch rate for room temp., I
should use 600C KOH, please recommend one suitable
passivation chemicals.
Thanks a lot.
Sincerely yours
Li Song
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